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An experience for the senses

The merriment derived from food and drinks comes in varieties and flavors which can all be gotten from our reputable classy restaurant that leaves you with a lasting memory for your special occasion and celebrations.

At P Lounge, we aim at eliminating sadness and uncheerfulness and this has made us explore every form of happiness, our super cozy bar with our fresh drinks creates a lasting gush of cheerfulness. The restaurant is designed to make your special date, hangouts, celebration, and the likes a day you’ll always remember.

Happy vibes have remained our trademark due to the welcoming nature of our staff and the uplifting environment specially designed for optimal customer experience.


Catch the vibe and get the feeling

This magnificent P Lounge created specifically for your relaxation, is the perfect blend of modernity, and elegant style. The bar is open from Sunday to Saturday from 10:30 am to 11:30 pm for you to enjoy delicious dishes and drinks from a selection of exotic drinks. Our talented bartenders can also create a wide selection of cocktails.


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